Rabu, 30 November 2016

If Weight fetus in content is too small -

If Weight fetus in content is too small -
Normal or not the baby's weight at birth can be predicted since I was in the womb. By ultrasound, OB doctor can monitor whether fetal weight in accordance with usianya.Tumbuh development of the fetus can be monitored based on two things, the first is the age and development. "" For example, the fetus is 28 weeks should weigh 800-1,000 grams. Then two weeks later should weigh 1200-1400 grams, so there should be a gradual increase, "" said Abidin dr.Boy Sp.OG (K), a gynecologist from RS.Mitra Keluarga Kelapa Gading Jakarta.Jika fetal weight has not increased in two weeks it is called progress is slow. The doctor also will look at whether the size of the fetus in accordance with his age. "" From the results of ultrasound can be seen also whether despite the severity of small but its size is symmetrical or not. If it is not symmetrical, for example, the size of a normal head or abdomen is small, there may be a congenital disorder, "" said Boy.Bila turns ratio of the fetal head and abdominal symmetrical, it can try to catch a nutritional intervention badannya.Janin gain the potential to have a low birth weight serious health problems, such as delayed growth, premature birth, until the risk of experiencing heart disease, obesity, and diabetes at the age of dewasa.Janin which has less weight can be caused by many factors, such as blood circulation disorders, a condition that causes placental transfer nutrients from the mother inhibited, less maternal nutrition, or there is an infection. "" factor infection is often overlooked. Though this infection also contribute to premature birth. Infection can be derived from the teeth or gums, infections vaginal discharge, etc., "" katanya.Untuk determine whether there is an infection, can be carried out laboratory tests of CRP (C-reactive protein). "" If the result is higher or more than 6, means there is an infection in the past 24 hours, "" said Boy.Janin with low weight is also very susceptible to premature labor because they generally do not hold the contraction in the third trimester of pregnancy. They are also at higher risk of dying in the womb. "" When all the interventions not managed to increase fetal weight, maybe it is better for improved weight born outside the womb. The important thing fetal organs are ready for life outside the womb, "" he said.

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Senin, 07 November 2016

Powerful Easy Method Lose Weight - Comp

Powerful Easy Method Lose Weight - Comp
Whether you're trying to lose weight? Lucky for you, a new study in Cell Metabolism have identified a new way, effective and very easy to lose weight.
In fact, this new method does not require you to change your diet. Restrict what you eat at intervals of 10 to 12 hours - in other words, if you eat breakfast around 8 am, stop eating at between 6 and 8 pm.
In the study, the researchers first checked daily eating habits of the participants and found that many of them eat continuously for nearly 15 hours - most of whom are in their waking hours.
However, when people have started to restrict their food intake up to 10-12 hours per day for 16 weeks, without changing the food they asup, they successfully lost weight on average 3.5 kg, have more energy, and quality sleep is better. The best part is, these effects last for one year.
This also is not the first research that supports this method. Previous research has also found that the type of Fasting intermittent this - the term for each diet cycle between periods of fasting and non-fasting, helping people burn more fat (and less muscle) for energy, control blood sugar better and reduce the risk diabetes.
But how can you get great benefits with just a little limiting the time when you eat for 3 to 5 hours?
The simplest explanation, says study co-author Satchin Panda, is that people end up with eating less food when they stop eating sooner.
For example, if you normally eat some cake to make keep the energy passing through the film sessions favorite series in late at night, then avoid the food after 8 pm will eliminate empty calories and avoid blood sugar problems.
Another potential reason for the positive effect of this is to increase the amount of time we fasted overnight could have a positive effect on the circadian rhythm, which will improve the quality of sleep and affects the function of genes involved metabolism.
So, please try. In addition to simple, this method also would be healthier and less expensive than the juice laxatives or other slimming drugs. (Gibran Maulana)
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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Bergaya ala Kamar Mandi Hotel

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Bergaya ala Kamar Mandi Hotel

Kamar mandi sudah jadi satu diantara ruangan untuk relaksasi. Tak sebatas untuk bersihkan diri, kamar mandi dapat juga jadi ruangan untuk melepas capek. Bangun kamar mandi sekalian sebagai tempat pelepas capek pasti memerlukan kerja ekstra. Dua hal paling utama yang diperlukan yaitu sarana saniter, serta situasi yang nyaman. Bila dua hal semacam ini tercukupi, jadi kamar mandi dirumah juga dapat terasanya kamar mandi hotel atau resor. Dalam bangun kamar mandi, saniter memanglah adalah keperluan paling utama. Satu kamar mandi bisa disebutkan nyaman, bila sarana di dalamnya bisa mendukung keperluan pemakainya. Dalam soal menuju manfaat relaksasi bergaya moderen, satu kamar mandi memerlukan ruang mandi shower serta bak rendam. Kehadiran air hangat jadi hal mutlak yang lain. Merias rumah, kadang-kadang tidaklah sesulit yang kita sangka. Ide dapat datang dari tempat mana saja. Untuk mereka yang kerap mendatangi spa atau sauna, tidak bakal asing dengan kursi panjang di kamar mandi. Inspirasi ini nyatanya cukup menarik diterapkan dirumah. Saksikan saja kamar mandi di photo tersebut. Tak mesti digunakan sebagai tempat nikmati hangatnya mandi uap. Di kamar mandi, dirumah, kursi panjang ini dapat dipakai sebagai tempat menempatkan handuk. Atau sebagai tempat duduk, untuk Anda yang umum memoleskan body lotion setelah mandi. Hadirnya si kursi panjang ini dapat jadi aksen menarik untuk kamar mandi Anda. Walau remeh, keberadaannya memberi situasi atau nuansa tidak sama dari kamar mandi umum. (www. ideaonline. co. id/Anissa)

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Ini Kata Dokter Masalah Susu atau Obat Penambah Berat Badan

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Ini Kata Dokter Masalah Susu atau Obat Penambah Berat Badan


Jakarta, Banyak product obat-obatan yang mengklaim bisa memberi berat Badan dengan sehat. Dari mulai pil, sereal, sampai susu penambah berat Badan ada di minimarket sampai toko obat paling dekat. Efektifkah? dr A. R Inge Permadhi, MS, SpGK dari divisi Pengetahuan Gizi FKUI menyampaikan kalau konsumsi obat-obatan untuk memberi berat Badan bisa saja seandainya mesti dalam pengawasan dokter. Bila obat penggemuk Badan itu tidak diresepkan atau direferensikan oleh dokter, mungkin saja jadi membahayakan badan. Ya pastinya bila memakai obat-obatan penggemuk serta pengurus Badan yang mengedar di market tanpa ada pengawasan dokter itu tak disarankan. Pemakaian obat-obatan ini bakal beresiko beresiko, papar dr Inge saat dihubungi detikHealth serta ditulis Rabu (22/10/2014). Dilanjutkan dr Inge kalau konsultasi ke dokter begitu utama sebelumnya mengambil keputusan untuk konsumsi obat-obatan apa pun. Sebab pemberian obat tidak bisa dikerjakan dengan perhitungan sendiri. Dokter yang bakal memberi kapan serta type obat apa yang pas untuk seorang. Seirama dengan dr Inge, Dr Med dr Maya Surjadjaja, DCS, MS, SpGK, pengajar di Fakultas Kedokteran Kampus Pelita Harapan menyampaikan kalau konsultasi dengan dokter dibutuhkan untuk tahu apa penyebabnya seorang susah memberi berat Badan. Bila pemicunya telah diketemukan, jadi pemberian obat yang pas serta sesuai sama juga bisa dikerjakan. Lantaran kita kan seperti ngelepasin serta ngurai benang kusut kan. Mesti satu-satu di cari permasalahan serta penyebabnya dahulu. Tak dapat konsultasinya instan cuma 5 menit selalu segera suntik segera aksi. Kita mencari dahulu apa sih penyebabnya orang ini sulit gemuk serta sulit kurus, nah dari situ baru kita tetapkan bagaimana penyembuhannya, papar dokter yang juga praktek di RSAL Mintohardjo itu. Terkecuali obat, product lain seperti milkshake serta susu spesial penambah berat Badan juga laku manis diperjual-belikan. Spesial masalah susu, dr Inge menyampaikan kalau susu untuk memberi berat Badan yang mengedar di supermarket bisa saja dikonsumsi. Susu itu menurut dr Inge memberi jumlah kalori didalam badan. Hingga bila metabolisme badan normal atau tidaklah terlalu tinggi, kalori yang lambat terserap tadi bisa bikin berat Badan jadi tambah. Cuma saja, praktisi hidup sehat, dr Phaidon L Toruan mengingatkan kembali masalah utamanya berolahraga dalam sistem menambahkan berat Badan. Bila minum susu memanglah dapat memberi berat, berolahraga mesti tetaplah dikerjakan supaya yang jadi tambah tidaklah lemak pada badan, tetapi massa otot. Susu terlebih yang memiliki kandungan whey protein memanglah dapat buat gemuk serta massa otot jadi tambah, namun tetaplah mesti aplikasikan gaya hidup sehat tadi kan, berolahraga supaya ototnya terbentuk, terangnya. (mrs/vit)


Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Down 11 Kg Weight Without Co-Fitness


Down 11 Kg Weight Without Co-Fitness


Jakarta, First of all, this man is always shocked when you wake up every morning and then feel fat body looks in the mirror. Until one time he found the right tips, to make His body weight decreased 11 kg without necessarily some difficult succession of fitness. The man is Chris Gentilviso, one of the most important in the British newspaper editor, Huffington Post. Patently he claimed, spent his youth in the consumption of unhealthy foods like Burger King first time is still in high school. Until the end of December 2010, he understood that his body was very fat and want to stop the bad routines. He did not want to constantly be surprised to see Her body has always been the bigger each time look into the mirror before shower. When he weighed the Agency in a health clinic, he felt the weight of His body has won 92, 99 kg. Her doctor said that if dianya can lose Agency kg only partially so it was very nice to her appearance. This time she made up the willingness to switch, so that the minimum weight plus body was not always so. Done fun with several partners in the party anymore th. one's colleagues, fitting at 3 pm he took the decision to start thinking dianya. Until now Chris never liked the cereal, but began from that time he understood it to his diet primarily makana then attempt to enjoy it. Beyond that, he also limit sugar consumption with consumption will not Dunkin Donuts favorites. Time searching for cereals that fits in the supermarket, Chris felt that not all of the same product corresponding needs. Raisin Bran cereal for instance, contains 17 grams of fiber which is enough to make satiety throughout the day but less than 25 vitamins daily needs. Giving vitamin intake by eating raw carrots are also not a good inspiration for Chris, until he try Fiber One cereals nutritionally more legnkap. But because of the flavor-taste bad, he feels like doing a scientific experiment. In the end sector in the morning, these men successfully make their own healthy breakfast recipes. He cultivate cup Wheat Chex cereal, combined half cut bananas plus Smucker peanut butter that has no trans fat to more healthful. Most recently, Chris insert into the drink tastes healthy breakfast menu so felt it was more exciting. Alcoholic beverages are not as a general course, but fresh orange juice with a sugar content which is not becoming more 22 grams in each serving. Succeeding with healthy breakfast menu, Chris started making meni lunch and dinner. He began by rid instant marinades that do not need, especially tomato sauce that has shaped fructose sugar content is high enough. As ubahnya, Chris gives the mix spices themselves, which of them are divided into garlic, apple vinegar and pepper. He believes, marinades that have added sugar content is lower that it would not make him fat. To issue a source of carbohydrates, Chris seems not too miraculous specify. He just choose whole grains, which in the finished sandwich or sandwich portions are appropriate so more or less only contains 100 calories in each portion. Problems eating schedule, Chris limit yourself not to eat very banyuak calories after 8 pm. Even if there is no alcohol or an evening snack in the menu, because it principled 'when he eats the same' primary 'what he eats'. How Chris can stop routine midnight snack? Chris set the biological clock, to 6 pm he regarded as the middle of the night, and she could only snacking at that time although still limited so that it is not too much. At the office, he also did not like the snack snack sold in the cafeteria. Healthy snacks he provided himself from the residence, shaped crackers 6 pieces, 10 pieces of small carrots, 1 seed fresh fruit (apples, oranges or bananas) and a serving of fried salted peanuts. Though not interested in co-fitness, Chris understood that any diet as restrictive as there would not function if you do not work out though. Therefore, he made some movements to exercise to burn fat can be doing at home alone. Only with the help of a small portion barbells, Chris successfully make the most of the combined type of movement ranging isometric arm curl (bending the arm) until crunch or sit-ups to train the abdominal muscles. Until now he did not give a burden, because keeping exercise patterns in a sustainable way more important than the extent of burdening. Are all the most bln. Chris always discipline with diet programs as well as sport? In fact do not, sometimes he also tired and paused to eat a donut or drinking in unison colleagues. However, as taken from Huffingtonpost, Wednesday (7/12/2011), he always returned to the healthy lifestyle as well as within one year Begin visible end. Because of his hard work throughout the year Area Most recently, Chris Body weight now dropped to 81, 65 kg and waist circumference was reduced to 86, 36 cm. Chris also successfully demonstrated to us all, if the Agency does not lose a thing is not possible as the shadow of the general. (Up / ir)


Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Regular Fasting Lakoni David and Lari, Salman Successful Weight Loss Down 19 Kg

proargi 9

Regular Fasting Lakoni David and Lari, Salman Successful Weight Loss Down 19 Kg

Banten - Ridiculed counterpart Salman makes David Sembiring (20) irritated. Yes, indeed it was heavy when Salman Agency reach 88 kg. Therefore, Salman ultimately take the decision to lose weight His body. Throughout the 10 bln., It combines fast David coupled with exercise run. Not surprisingly, Salman weights can fall to 19 kg. In detikHealth and written on Friday (27/11/2015) below how Salman complete narrative can successfully lose weight The body: On bln. January 2015, I won the Body weight 88 kg. I'm not sure myself, in other words confident with my appearance. One time, I once ridiculed by and mockery it makes me so upset. In the end I tried to do a diet to lose weight Agency. Prefix, I try applying Diet OCD (Obsessive Corbuzier's Diet) Area bln. March to May. Throughout it all, my OCD combined with a run along one hour / day. To his way of OCD, I specify the window eating 4 hours. Well, because that way, I successfully lose weight 12 kg and the Board of a number of my weight to 76 kg. However, then I try to do the fasting of David (fasting interlaced) because according to the information that I have read, in fact, a good way of diet added. Throughout bln. June to November of me continuing to apply the fasting of David. I keep running exercise lakoni Area 20 min / day, at least three to five times a week. That way, I successfully lose weight up to 69 kg Firm or perhaps in other words my body weight fell another 7 kg. Currently, I am applying to exercise push-ups 60 times as well as lifting weights 20X4 set every morning and evening. Generally, I ate two bananas every morning as well as a mango each after maghrib. Everyday, I am also free to eat what are the main is not too excessive. My message to the readers detikHealth, except for the purpose Weight Loss, diet must not forget that we are working also for health. (RDN / vit)

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Diet Kelompok Darah Percepat Pulihnya Jerawat?

Diet Kelompok Darah Percepat Pulihnya Jerawat?      
    Jakarta Terkecuali lakukan perawatan kecantikan   diet sehat juga menolong menyembuhkan jerawat. Satu diantara diet yang efisien yaitu diet kelompok darah.    
Seperti di sampaikan dr. Titi Fauzia Moertolo SpKK      dalam penelitiannya       pasien yang lakukan perawatan sembari melindungi makan berdasar pada kelompok darah  mempunyai hasil yang cukup penting. 
Baca Juga  
Ketahui Daun Pegagan     Tanaman Obat Kuno dari Asia Tropik
Diet Kelompok DarahCobalah Yuk!     
Siaga Penyakit Berdasar pada Kelompok Darah  
Terkecuali melindungi kebersihan    perawatan muka dengan cleanser serta masker spesial dari daun antanan atau pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban)     pasien berjerawat butuh melindungi makannya dengan diet kelompok darah       tuturnya.       
Dalam riset tiap-tiap kelompok darah mempunyai tingkat toleransi yang tidak sama pada makanan spesifik. Hal semacam ini tunjukkan jalinan keadaan kulit serta diet.  
Meski sekian       kata Titi yang terutama dalam melindungi kulit supaya tak berjerawat yaitu hindari pemakaian kosmetik yg tidak pas. Sebab hal semacam ini condong bakal mengakibatkan jerawat makin kronis serta menyebabkan skar di muka.    
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Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

These Four Things Pengusir Sleepiness In addition to coffee

These Four Things Pengusir Sleepiness In addition to coffee
 Having a healthy body and energy, is a special recipe for you who want a productive and rewarding day. Some of you, office workers who need immediate energy supply, a cup of coffee is a weapon.
But what that does not like coffee? Are there other ways that can be used as a weapon fighting drowsiness and energy booster? Check out his review, as reported by the Huffington Post page, below:

Funny video

A little comedy is a powerful way to get the support of energy to live your daily routine.

Watched funny videos and entertain is going to shift your focus for a moment, but after that, you'd better focus and increases morale, says Anne Milasincic Andrews, Ph.D., of the University of California.

A glass of water

Superpadat have events in a short time, certainly over time will deplete the supply of energy you have. A glass of water, can be used as a powerful weapon to restore the body's energy is depleted due to the piling activity. With good hydration, the mind will be more focused and muscles in the body can also be berfun
exit the room

You run out of energy while working behind a desk all day at the office? Try for a moment and went to work outdoors, such as an office park, or walking around your office area.

Being outdoors can increase heart rate and makes the body more energy, says Anne. There needs to be time consuming, around briefly, been able to increase focus and concentration in the work that makes the body more fit later.


One more powerful weapon is the body refreshing mint. In addition to its ability to freshen breath, chewing mint can also increase the energy needed by the body.

One item mint contains sufficient sugar content to optimize the body's energy. Much better than eating cake or other snacks, said Anne.

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How To Lose Weight Without Exercise

How To Lose Weight Without Exercise

How to lose weight without exercise, can you? Yes, the answer could be. Unhealthy lifestyle such as indiscriminate in foods can trigger weight gain. There are some foods that should be avoided like sweet drinks and foods high in calories.

Instead of taking diet drugs are unclear efficacy and risk of side effects, you should try some of these tips as quoted from vemale.com.

How To Lose Weight Without Exercise

Expand Drinking Water

There have been many suggestions to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Water can make you feel full longer, improving the body's metabolism and thus avoid dehydration. Drinking water before meals can prevent you from overeating so that food intake can be controlled. To add flavor variation, add slices of lemon or cucumber. But remember, do not add sugar.

Expand Protein Intake

You can get protein from meat, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, legumes, including soybean and peanut. Preferably some of the menu is not fried, you can process them in a way steamed, boiled, oven baked or sauteed with a little oil.

Choose complex carbohydrates

There are two types of carbohydrates are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Rice and white bread including simple carbohydrates and became one of the triggers of weight gain. While excellent complex carbohydrate to the diet. You can get it from oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole wheat and whole grain bread.

Avoid sweet drinks breakfast

When the morning should not include a lot of calories through beverages. Avoid drinking coffee is mixed with sugar, syrup cream and so on. White water remains the best option to start the activity.

Know What You Eat

Fatty foods and calorie is always tempting. If you want a slim body ideal course should avoid the food menu. You can read the nutritional composition on the packaging such as the number of calories, carbohydrates, fat and protein.

Do Snacking Snack

Snacks and other snacks are very high in calories. Many times more calories than a serving of lunch menu medium size.

Spot menu of your passions once a week

Diet does not have to give, you can consume menu favorite food once a week. Remember only once a week. Because if you continue to avoid the body will be urged to consume larger amounts. Do not forget the next morning to re-focus control a good diet.